“Inspired by her
coastal surroundings,
to revitalize old, often abandoned furniture to
a more beautiful state than ever before"

Michele LaCamera

Early in life, Michele developed a passion for creativity in several mediums of art. Within a short period of time after her graduation from Saint Anselm College, she decided to explore in depth her life–long inspiration in art by enrolling in courses at New England School of Art and Design in the areas of interior design, and use of color and lighting as well as the development of various painting techniques.

Over the ensuing years, Michele's inherent skills in art together with her fervent interest and flair for photography became her primary avocational focus. Friends and acquaintances sought her advice and talents, as they re-decorated the surroundings of their lives.

Two years ago, a new avenue of artistic pursuit began to captivate the attention of Michele – refurbishing vintage furniture. She engaged in several classes in the various techniques of restoring worn, discarded and in a sense "forgotten" furniture. With her newly acquired skills, Michele decided to employ these talents to breathe new life into age-damaged furniture. Encouraged by her success in the results of each unique piece, as well as the joy it gave to her, Michele set her sights on making this venture the main source of her livelihood, whereby she launched her business – Vintage Reclaimed.

Recently, Michele coupled her newly found vocation with a transition to her beloved Cape Cod, leaving her suburban life outside of Boston to where she summered as a child. She moved into a house that needed major re-freshening and was thrilled with the idea of bringing it back to life. In a short period of time, this abode became a sanctuary of originality and color, as she decorated it with a vast assortment of her own restorations. All the while, Michele works on location at home, inspired by her coastal surroundings, to revitalize old, often abandoned furniture to a more beautiful state than ever before. Michele is convinced that she has finally found her niche in life – revealing unforeseen beauty or bringing happiness to those who choose to display her creations.